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31 Ideas for a Dreamy June challenges lifestyle self-care self-love Jun 01, 2024

31 Ideas for a Dreamy June

Summer is almost here! June is an epic month, full of lush flowers, long days, and the summer solstice - the official first day of summer. Make the most of every day with strategies for self-care that will give you a dreamy June. Join us for 31 days of healthy habits to...

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I am not defined by othersโ€™ opinions of me. affirmations & mantras journal prompts self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 12, 2023

I am not defined by others’ opinions of me.

“Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.” 

~Les Brown

The secret to loving yourself and loving your life starts with letting go of others’ expectations of you.


Too often, I work with...

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Build Trust in Yourself affirmations & mantras journal prompts self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 11, 2023

I work to build a stable sense of trust in myself.

"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day." 

~Brené Brown

Do you trust yourself?

I find that so many of the people I work with try to motivate themselves by telling themselves over and over again that...

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Learning New Lessons affirmations & mantras journal prompts self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 09, 2023

I am supported as I learn new lessons. 

"The expert in anything was once a beginner."

~Helen Hayes


It’s a new day. A new week. And a new month. 

What new things will you challenge yourself to learn this month?

There are exactly 53 days left in 2023. Reflecting back, what...

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Who do you want to be when you grow up? affirmations & mantras self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 08, 2023

I am already the person I wish to become.

"Believe you can, 

and you're halfway there." 

~Theodore Roosevelt

Do you ever feel like who you hope to become someday is far away - almost out of your reach?

Perhaps you feel so unhappy with your current self that the idea of change feels hard...

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Healing the Past affirmations & mantras self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 07, 2023

I heal past versions of myself in order to reach my future goals.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." 

~C.S. Lewis

Does the past feel like it’s holding you back?

  • Maybe you have regrets and wish you would have done things differently.
  • Maybe there have...
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Get Curious! affirmations & mantras self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 06, 2023

My curiosity brings insight and growth

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." 

~Henry Ford

I’m curious: how do you handle it when things go wrong?

  • When you wake up with the hangover or know you said the wrong thing, what happens next? Do you spiral into shame...
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Let Go Of Perfectionism affirmations & mantras self-love Nov 05, 2023

I create peace within myself. I let go of perfectionism

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be;

embrace who you are.” 

~Brené Brown

Hello love,

Is it feeling like fall where you live? 

Here on the central coast of California, we tend to be the last to...

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Trust Yourself! affirmations & mantras self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 04, 2023


I am confident in my abilities and trust in my decisions.

"The beautiful thing about learning

is that no one can take it away from you." 

~B.B. King

Hello loves,

When you approach a difficult situation, how do you talk to yourself?

Does it sound like:

  • “Ok, self, you’ve...
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My Past Does Not Define Me. affirmations & mantras self-love tell yourself a new story Mar 12, 2023

My past does not define me.

“Roots are not in a landscape or a country, or a people,

they are inside you.”

 ~Isabel Allende

Hi there,

Do you ever find yourself obsessing over things that had happened in your childhood? Or do you ever feel held back by your family? Maybe...

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I give myself permission to be happy affirmations & mantras journal prompts self-love tell yourself a new story Mar 05, 2023

I give myself permission to be happy

“The hardest challenge is to be yourself

in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.”

~E. E. Cummings

Hi love,

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your happiness at this moment? If it’s above a 5, what’s...

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Self-Love: I Am Full of Love affirmations & mantras journal prompts self-love Feb 26, 2023

I am full of love.


“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. 

Who looks outside, dreams. 

Who looks inside awakens.” 

~Carl Jung


Hey lovely,

How are you doing today? We had snow where I live (the Central Coast of California) this...

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