Trust Yourself!

affirmations & mantras self-love tell yourself a new story Nov 04, 2023
I am confident in my abilities and trust in my decisions


I am confident in my abilities and trust in my decisions.

"The beautiful thing about learning

is that no one can take it away from you." 

~B.B. King

Hello loves,

When you approach a difficult situation, how do you talk to yourself?

Does it sound like:

  • “Ok, self, you’ve got this. You’ve been through hard things before and you can handle this.”

Or is it more like:

  • “Ok, self, don’t mess this up! You’ve been through hard things before and you never make the right decision. You probably will do this wrong!”

How we talk to ourselves matters.

How we think about ourselves matters.

This is the science of “mindset”. 

If you can think of yourself as someone who is always growing and learning (aka a “growth mindset”), you will find that you speak to yourself differently AND you will begin to feel differently about the challenges you face in life. 

Use today's affirmation and journal prompts to help you begin to trust yourself.


I am confident in my abilities and trust in my decisions.

Journal Prompts:

  1. What is a skill or talent you possess that you're proud of? How has developing this skill contributed to your confidence in other areas of your life?
  2. Imagine your ideal self who is completely confident in their abilities and decisions. What does this version of yourself look like, and how can you work toward embodying that confidence?

What did you come up with? I’d love to hear - hit reply and let me know! Then I can cheer you on (I’m a really good cheerleader)!

Need help learning to trust yourself? Here’s how I can help:

Take my free Drinking Personality Quiz to learn why you drink and what to do about it. 

Join the Mindful Moderation Course to forever change your mindset about drinking and more. 

Work with a therapist or coach on my team to create a personalized plan for your own growth.

Keep learning!

Dr. Hannah

P.S.: Check out the Mindful Moderation Instagram for an inspirational version of this week’s affirmation and quote.

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