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Dry January Sets You Up for Failure - Here Are Three Things to Try Instead damp january drinking less dry january new year's goals sobercurious Jan 15, 2024

Has your Dry January experiment ended prematurely? Or perhaps you thought about doing Dry January, but never took the jump? Maybe you don’t have any intention to try to stay sober for 31 days, but you have thought it might be good to cut back on your drinking… maybe something...

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Doing Dry January? Try This! damp january drinking less dry january new year's goals sobercurious Jan 09, 2024

Ah, the New Year! A fresh year, with the opportunity to try something new, change something old, or look at things differently. As much of the country is finally getting a nice, fresh blanket of snow, the idea of a clean, fresh start is appealing.

Are you one of the people who decided to begin...

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What to Do After DryĀ January damp january drinking less dry january sobercurious Feb 02, 2023

Control is not the answer. Awareness is. 


I’m curious: how did the first 1/12th of the year go for you? Where are you regarding any goals or intentions you set for yourself at New Year’s? Did you attempt a Dry January or Damp January experiment? How did it go? Did you slog...

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