You can choose again!
Mar 26, 2023
Weekly Affirmation: I can choose again.
"Talk about your failures without apologizing."
~Brené Brown
My dear,
Are there any decisions you’re feeling stuck with? Or just having a hard time letting go of?
The Oxford Dictionary describes sunk cost fallacy as the phenomenon where a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action, because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be beneficial.
Sometimes this includes the stories we tell ourselves or our self-concepts. Remember that you can always choose again. Even if it is a concept of yourself or a life decision.
If this feels like too much, begin by asking yourself: “How would my life be different if I didn’t believe this about myself?” That picture may help you begin to think about your choices differently and perhaps, some day in the future, you will choose again.
Journal Prompts for the Week:
1. What am I holding onto that I need to forgive myself for?
2. How do I celebrate my wins?
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Take care + talk soon,
Dr. Hannah
P.S.: Check out the Mindful Moderation Instagram for an inspirational version of this week’s affirmation and quote. Screenshot it for your week!
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