Courage: I Am in Charge of My Life Story

affirmations & mantras drinking less journal prompts new year's goals Jan 01, 2023
I am in charge of my life story and can change my drinking

I am in charge of my life story.


"One day you will tell your story of how you've overcome what you're going through now, and it will become part of someone else's survival guide" ~Brene Brown.

It’s a new year. 

How are you showing up in your life? How do you want your life story to play out? Did you know that you are in control of your life story?

While we don’t have the ability to control everything that happens to and around us, we have choices in the way we respond and the stories we tell ourselves. 

This month, our focus is on having the courage to make daily choices that create the life story we want to live.

At times, this will require us to make difficult changes, like how we drink or what we believe about ourselves. At times, it will be more about choosing what’s best for ourselves and saying yes to the things that make us feel good and supported. This week, we look back at what we’ve learned from the past and look forward to how we hope to live in the future. 

Journal Prompts for the week:

  1. What did I learn in the past year? How did I grow? How is that going to help me become more of the person I want to be this year?
  2. What can I do this year to bring me closer to my ideal life? In what ways can I start living that life right now?

Email me and tell me what you come up with!

And be sure to find the support you need:

Join Mindful Moderation.

Work with a therapist or coach on my team.

Have a wonderful week,

Dr. Hannah

P.S.: Check out the Mindful Moderation Instagram for an inspirational version of this week’s affirmation and quote. Screenshot it for your week!

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