Every Day Is a Lesson
Mar 19, 2023
I am learning valuable lessons every day
“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”
~Rupi Kaur
Hey lovely,
How was your weekend? Did everything go as you intended? Any regrets?
Maybe you had a little more to drink than planned? Or you didn’t quite get to all of the household chores you’d hoped to? Maybe you and your partner/roommate/family member had a heated moment and things got said that you wish hadn’t? Maybe you let a goal or intention slide and now you’re wishing you had stuck to the plan?
Whatever is in your past, it can provide you with lessons for the future.
In Week Two of the Mindful Moderation Course, we learn about having a Growth Mindset.
Psychologist Carol Dweck described people with a growth mindset as seeing themselves as always evolving, changing, and growing. Having a growth mindset might mean that you see a challenge as an opportunity to learn something new or to grow as a human being.
Can you look at the past week and reframe some thoughts about yourself to sound more like a growth mindset? And can you look positively into the future? Today is the first day of Spring and it feels appropriate to do a little mental spring cleaning. Use the following journal prompts to help you think about your mindset and your goals.
Journal Prompts for the Week:
- What do I believe I deserve? Why am I deserving of it?
- What does my ideal life look like?
When you sat with those questions, what did you come up with? Did the answers surprise you?
Be sure to find the support you need for more self-love:
Work with a therapist or coach on my team.
Here when you need me,
Dr. Hannah
P.S.: Check out the Mindful Moderation Instagram for an inspirational version of this week’s affirmation and quote. Screenshot it for your week!
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