12 Mindful Moments for December

december holidays mindfulness Dec 14, 2023

Have you noticed how there’s this frenetic vibe that seems to come with the holidays? Even before we get to Thanksgiving, we’re being bombarded with “early Black Friday sales” and the pressure to buy buy buy.

Then there's the focus on perfection - the perfect gift, the perfect decorations, the perfect party, the perfect elf on the shelf, the perfect partner, etc..

Clients in my office share themes of never feeling enough and never having enough… enough time (that’s me!), enough money, enough stuff, enough love, enough help or support.

This Holiday Season, I challenge you to take some time to pause and reflect.

As the year 2023 comes to a close, try to remember to breathe. Take time to create space - sacred space if you can - and stay in touch with yourself. 

There are exactly 12 days until Christmas

Here are some of my favorite mindfulness moments you can sneak in over the next 12 days and beyond. Do one a day as a small meditation practice or squeeze them all in every day. Your choice!

  1. Sit in the dark and enjoy some lights:  Take a few moments in front of your own tree, meditate on a string of Christmas lights, or go for a walk and enjoy some neighborhood lights. Must do: put your phone away. This is not the time for pictures - this is a time to be fully present with your eyes. 
  2. Savor a holiday scent: I love to run my fingers along my real Douglas fir tree for the most fresh, Christmasy scent. Scented candles work too! Or you could try a simple make-your-own simmering potpourri on the stove with some cinnamon, orange slices, and fresh rosemary and anything else that smells good to you in a pot of simmering water!
  3. Make yourself a favorite beverage and sip it slowly: the key here is to savor every sip! Need some mocktail ideas? Check out our Mindful Moderation Instagram every Monday for ideas! This pairs well with most of the other Mindful Moments, including #1, #4, and #11.
  4. Take a mindful walk outdoors: Bundle up and take yourself on a 15 minute (or longer!) mindful walk. Mindfulness walks involve using all of your senses to be fully present and fully experience the moment. Check in with yourself and think about what you can see; what you can feel (hot, cold, breezy); what you can hear; what you can smell; and what you can taste. 
  5. Embrace a furry or human loved one: Did you know that an embrace or physical contact with any mammal releases the bonding hormone oxytocin? Scientists recommend the 20 second hug to reset the nervous system and feel connected with the other person. (Obviously, consent is mandatory here.)
  6. Sing or hum a festive tune: Choose absolutely anything that makes you happy, but using your vocal chords engages your vagus nerve, which supports your rest and digest processes. And some traditional songs can connect us with our cultures and ground us in feeling part of a larger community. 
  7. Pull up holiday photos from previous years: This is the one time I'm going to suggest that you pull out your phone! Think about and reflect on the moments that have felt warm and supportive. Who was there? What happened? Is there anyone you need to reach out to so you can share this memory?
  8. Take a breath: Breathwork is an important way to keep our minds and bodies grounded in a busy season. You can do a few simple box breaths, or you can do my favorite: a slow inhale to the count of 6, followed by a longer exhale to the count of 8 or 9. Set a timer of 5 minutes if you aren't sure how long to go for!
  9. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for: Gratitude is proven to improve our mood and mental health. You could start every morning off with this practice, writing them in your journal or planner, or just say the three things in your head right now. Bonus - share yours with a partner, roommate, or family member and ask them theirs. 
  10. Read a treasured childhood holiday book: Revisit the innocence of childhood and pull out a favorite old book. Re-reading stories we already know well grounds our nervous systems and keeps us connected with our inner child. 
  11. Take a candlelit bath or shower: Make sure you schedule some self-care time this holiday season, but make it extra special with some candlelight and holiday scents. Do this every evening if you need a little more support and alone time over the next few weeks. This pairs well with breathwork, savoring a holiday flavor, and/or practicing gratitude. 
  12. Focus on a candle or fireplace flame: Meditating on a flame is a very simple ancient practice we see used across cultures. Light a fire in your fireplace. Light your favorite candle. Or even pull up a fireplace video on YouTube if you're in a pinch! Soften your gaze and stare at the flame until you are looking beyond and no longer seeing the flame. Watch the flame a little longer. Set a timer if you need to - you probably only need 5 to 10 minutes. 

Feel free to mix and match these options or just follow one at a time for the 12 Days of Christmas. None of them take more than 15 minutes. Please remember to take time for yourself this holiday season!!

Happy Holidays!


Dr. Hannah


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